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私人飞机空姐:收入颇丰 曾一次得12万小费(组图)

说到空乘行业,没有什么比在超级富豪的私人飞机上服务更让人羡慕的了。曾经在私人飞机上当乘务员的Carolyn Paddock揭秘说,私人飞机上的超级富豪喝着香槟,吃私人厨师专门制作的美食,有卫星电话和电视,还有豪华舒适的卧室。另外,这些超级富豪出手都很阔绰,会赠给乘务员奢侈品礼物和丰厚的小费,曾经有一位私人飞机空姐一次就收到20000美元小费(约12万人民币)。

Private jet passengers fly around the world with the ultimate perks most travellers will never experience

Carolyn Paddock worked 17 years as a commercial flight attendant before working alt=”” border=”0″ />

Private jets are outfitted with incredibly expensive amenities, including $72,000 Nespresso machines

In addition to master bedrooms, it’s not unusual to find a large bathroom with a shower alt=”” border=”0″ />

Amenities alt=”” border=”0″ />

Carolyn Paddock said her career as a corporate flight attendant is ‘007 in nature’ and more interesting

Carolyn Paddock said she knows of a crew member who alt=”” border=”0″ />

Private jet passengers can eat whatever they’re in the mood for, as long as it is arranged in advance

With more privacy and freedom that commercial flights, sex alt=”” border=”0″ />

In South America, a plane which Carolyn Paddock was working alt=”” border=”0″ />

Private flight attendants are paid much more than their counterparts in the commercial sector

There is plenty of legroom – and opportunities for a nap – for passengers who travel alt=”” border=”0″ />

Private jets are equipped with amenities and space that travellers in economy class could alt=”” border=”0″ />

Carolyn Paddock said she flies much less and makes twice as much as she did with an airlineInside the ultimate private jet worth £400million (related)

Private jet cabin crew are always alt=”” border=”0″ />

This Boeing 737, owned by Russian Standard Vodka, has a livery that matches its bottle design

Planes that normally carry more than 200 passengers are configured to carry about 30 or less as private jets

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