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环保回收垃圾就是最基本的生活常识,首先要了解的就是哪些生活垃圾是可回收(Recycling)的。而且从2015年6月1日起,多伦多市还增加了13款可以循环回收的塑胶袋物品,这个蓝色垃圾桶项目(Blue Bin Program)增加环保回收的软胶袋(soft plastics)物品中包括鲜奶袋,肉类包装袋, 零食保物袋等。




牛奶袋 milk bags(包括外包装和内袋)
面包袋 bread bags(非薄片)
三明治袋 sandwich bags (可再密封式包装袋)
散装食品包装袋 bulk food bags
生产包装袋 produce bags
干洗袋 dry cleaning bags
报纸/宣传传单塑料袋 newspaper/flyer bags
尿布和妇女卫生用品外袋 diaper and feminine hygiene outer bag
冷冻水果袋和蔬菜包装袋 frozen fruit bags and vegetable bags
透明的包装袋回收 transparent recycling bags
外包装从卫生纸,餐巾纸,纸巾,水和软饮料的包装 over-wrap from toilet paper, napkins, paper towels, water and soft drink packaging
园土,肥料或堆肥袋 garden soil, manure or compost bags
路盐袋 road salt bags


可生物降解的塑料容器和薄膜(如堆肥塑料袋)Biodegradable plastic containers and film
任何类型的黑色着色塑料 Any type of black coloured plastic
层压塑料薄膜(如芯片袋和自立式可重复密封袋) Laminated plastic film (e.g. chip bags and stand-up resealable pouch bags)
休闲食品包装袋(如薯片,花生,饼干袋)Snack food bags
肉类和奶酪包装袋 Meat and cheese bag packages
家用保鲜纸 Household cling wrap
玻璃纸 Cellophane
谷物衬袋 Cereal liners
糖果包装 Candy bar wrappers
塑料泡沫包装 Plastic bubble wrap
淋浴衬垫,游泳池盖,包船袋 Shower liners, pool covers, boat wrap


* 饮料和食品容器
Beverage and food containers


翻盖容器(铰链,用于食品透明塑料容器,如外卖盒)Clamshell containers
透明的水果和蔬菜容器 Clear fruit and vegetable containers
透明的外带食品容器 Clear take-out food containers
透明的面包店盘,鸡蛋盒 Clear molded bakery item trays, egg cartons
一次性塑料板和眼镜(除了黑色的)Disposable plastic plates and glasses
冷饮杯/盖 Cold beverage cups/lids
塑料瓶和罐子(带盖子的)Plastic bottles and jugs
牛奶/果汁纸盒和纸箱(包括塑料顶部和吸管)Milk/juice cartons and boxes
玻璃瓶和罐(带盖)Glass bottles and jars
铝罐 Aluminum cans
塑料食品瓶,桶和盖(如人造奶油,酸奶,冰淇淋,酸奶油容器) Plastic food jars, tubs and lids
金属罐(把金属盖放到内罐里压扁 – 如果盖是塑料的请拧松)Metal cans
纸板罐(如冰冻果汁,冷冻面团,薯片,果仁,粉冲饮料 – 把塑料拉断)Cardboard cans
铝盘,刻录机衬板,馅饼板和烤锅 Aluminum trays, burner liners, pie plates and roasting pans

* 家具个人用品包装
Home and personal product containers


塑料瓶(盖子和喷雾器请拧紧)Plastic bottles
塑料猫砂盆和塑料手柄 Plastic kitty litter tubs with plastic handles
塑料洗衣粉桶和盖子 Plastic laundry detergent tubs and lids
透明光盘CD盒(空的)Clear compact disk cases
气雾罐(必须清空,不带盖子)Aerosol cans
金属油漆罐和盖(空罐子,无需冲洗,盖和罐分开)Metal paint cans & lids

* 塑料袋和外包装,泡沫聚苯乙烯
Plastic bags and over-wrap, foam polystyrene


速冻果蔬袋 Frozen fruit and vegetable bags
干洗袋 Dry cleaning bags
超市塑料袋,购物塑料袋(必须不带硬塑料的手柄,仍的时候请拿掉购物收据)Plastic grocery and retail shopping bags
泡沫的食品和保护性包装(如饮料杯,鸡蛋盒,肉托盘,外卖食品容器,电子产品包装)Foam food and protective packaging

* 纸类


袋,卷,垃圾邮件,写/电脑纸,信封,有窗口的信封 Bags, rolls, junk mail, writing/computer paper, envelopes, window envelopes
碎纸(放在透明塑料袋里,扎紧) Shredded paper
礼品包装,贺卡(无丝带,蝴蝶结,铝箔包装) Gift wrap, cards
报纸,传单,电话簿,杂志,目录,软/精装书(须去除塑料盖,内衬,外包装)Newspapers, flyers, telephone directories, magazines, catalogues, soft/ hardcover books
纸板箱(如谷物,组织,洗衣粉,鸡蛋盒,必须压扁,去除内衬和透明塑料封)Boxboard boxes
瓦楞纸板(须是干净的,没有上蜡的,比萨饼盒必须是空的,去除塑料包装)Corrugated cardboard


BBQ 常用的丙烷/氦气钢瓶和桶 Propane/helium cylinders and tanks
医疗废物(针头,导管塑料包装袋/管)Medical waste
挤压管为家庭和个人用品(洗发液,沐浴露等)Squeeze tubes for home and personal products
工具,废金属,汽车配件 Tools, scrap metal, auto parts
玩具 Toys
衣服,鞋子,地毯,窗帘,床上用品 Clothes, shoes, carpets, curtains, bedding
小家电,电子产品 Small appliances, electronics
磁带,CD,DVD光盘 Cassettes, CDs, DVDs
电池,汽车电池 Batteries, car batteries
塑胶漆桶(各种规格,带或不带金属手柄)Plastic paint pails
塑料桶(配金属手柄)Plastic pails
黑色塑料花盆和托盘(其它颜色可循环使用)Black plastic plant pots and trays
粘合剂(例如三环线),剪贴板 Binders, clipboards


危险废物:丙烷/氦气罐及气体瓶,电池,荧光灯泡(必须丢到Drop-off Depot)propane/helium tanks & cylinders, batteries, compact fluorescent light bulbs
医疗废物:针属于危险废物(切不可当垃圾扔,必须丢到Drop-off Depot)塑料导管/袋结肠造口术和管子都是垃圾 Medical waste
烘干机床单,婴儿湿巾,化妆垫,棉拭子,牙线 Dryer sheets, baby wipes, make-up pads, cotton tipped swabs, dental floss
头发,宠物皮毛,羽毛,蜡,木块,烟头,葡萄酒瓶塞,真空包装袋/内容,壁炉和烧烤灰 Hair, pet fur, feathers, wax, wood pieces, cigarette butts, wine corks, vacuum bags/ contents, fireplace and BBQ ashes
塑料:嵌缝管,食品贮存容器,油水罐,黑工厂托盘,黑色花盆,非一次性盘子和玻璃杯,包装花生,粘合剂 Plastic: caulking tubes, food storage containers, motor oil jugs, black plant trays, black flower pots, non-disposable plates and drinking glasses, packing peanuts, binders
玻璃:水杯,餐具,水杯,水晶,窗户玻璃,灯泡,镜子,陶器,壶,平底锅 Glass: drinking glasses, dishes, cups, crystal, window glass, light bulbs, mirrors, pottery, pots, pans
金属:废金属,衣架,壶,平底锅,小家电,粘合剂 Metal: scrap metal, coat hangers, pots, pans, small appliances, binders
铝:铝箔食品包装,薯片包装袋,金属礼品包装 Aluminum: foil food wrap, potato chip bags, metallic gift wrap
其他纸制品:涂蜡纸箱,蜡纸(注:弄脏的餐巾走在了环保垃圾桶)Other paper products: waxed cardboard, waxed paper.
木头:木块,地板,水果的板条箱 Wood: pieces, flooring, crates for fruit

注:以上有危害和危险的部分垃圾可以在 Drop-off Depot 或者设区环保日 Community Environment Days回收。


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